10 Surprisingly Unique Phobias People Have (Pt.1)


By Shaun Shuler

No matter what your culture is, regardless of where you fall on the economic scale, and despite your age, FEAR is universal.

Everyone knows about Claustrophobia (fear of tight spaces) and Arachnophobia (fear of spiders), but did you know there is a fear of bathing, a fear of beards, and a fear of long words?

Below are 10 Surprisingly Unique Phobias People Have (Part 1):


This is the fear of not having a cell phone or not having cell phone coverage.


This is the fear of work. This isn’t just not wanting to work; this is an extraordinary terror of working.


This is the fear of bathing or showering. Could be a result of a traumatic event like almost drowning in a bathtub. Also, could be due to aquaphobia which is the fear of water.


This is the fear of home surroundings or things in a home like appliances.


This is the fear of bridges. This fear is similar to acrophobia (fear of heights)


This is a fear of trees.


This is the fear of buttons on clothing.


This is the fear of beards. Thankfully my wife doesn’t have this one.


This is the fear of the color yellow.


Do you like Irony?
This is the fear of massively long words. This 36-letter word is one of the longest words in the English language.

Thank you for visiting and please leave your strangest phobias in the comment box below and maybe it will be featured in the 10 Surprisingly Unique Phobias People Have (Part 2).


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