Do You Truly Know JESUS or Only Know About Him?


By Shaun Shuler

“We know also that the SON of GOD has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know Him who is true. And we are in Him who is true by being in His SON JESUS CHRIST. He is the true GOD and eternal life.”

‭‭1 John‬ ‭5:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

How can you know someone? Is it simply knowing facts about them or is it something much deeper?

I know the actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson went to the University of Miami, he wrestled in the WWE, I have even seen a bunch of his movies, but I do not know him—I only know of him.

I know one of the most famous basketball players, Michael Jordan, who, in college, played at the University of North Carolina, where he won a National Championship with a game-winning shot. He then played for the Chicago Bulls where he won 3 straight NBA titles, retired to pursue a career in baseball, then came back to the NBA and won another 3 straight NBA titles with the Bulls. He played for the Washington Wizards for a couple of years and is currently the owner of the Charlotte Hornets. I know of him, but I do not know him.

I can list singers whose music I have listened to, politicians who I have watched speak on TV, and authors whose books I have read, but I do not know any of them.

Knowing facts about someone is not the same as knowing that person.

Take me and my wife. When I first was told about her by my Granny, I knew she was Filipino, she was a physical therapist, she was single, and through some Facebook detective work, I found out she was very beautiful. All of these facts were known to me before I ever met her. It was not until we started talking on the phone, meeting in person, and soon after, began dating that we really started to get to know each other. We would not have been married over 11 years, at the time of this article, if all we knew about each other was skin deep.

Knowing someone is only achievable by spending time with them.

Now let’s talk about JESUS.

Non-Christian sources like The Roman historian and senator Tacitus or Jewish historian Flavius Josephus affirm the historical fact that a man named JESUS was alive in Israel 2,000 years ago. So, you can know that JESUS was born, and you can know about the stories from the Bible like the wise men, the miracles, the cross, His death and resurrection. You may go to church regularly, you may raise your hands and sing worship songs, you may read your Bible daily, you may be able to quote scripture, you might give to the needy, and you may have been baptized at some point, all very good and important, but none of these mean you know JESUS.

Matthew 7:21-23

Knowing JESUS is having a personal relationship with Him. However, a relationship with JESUS is not just about head knowledge or facts, it’s about a connection with Him that is deep in our hearts. It’s about letting Him lead, guide, convict, and even correct you.

But what does this practically look like?

For me, the times I have been led to share my faith and talk to someone about JESUS. Sure it is a little scary not knowing how the person will respond, but it is all about being obedient to GOD.

Also, there were times I was led to pray with people at work. Or the times when I acted foolishly, talking bad about someone’s job performance to others instead of the person involved, and I was convicted to go apologize the next day.

Many years ago, I was led to go on my 1st international mission trip with my previous church and there was definitely fear in my heart. I did not speak the language, I was the only single person going with a group of married couples, not knowing what I would be doing once I was there, and the list could go on and on why I should not go. But, I took a leap of faith and was obedient to the calling, and the trip definitely was life changing for me. It also helped me grow closer to CHRIST. You can read more about this trip here.

After being single for several years, I was gripping under my breath at one Sunday night service, as to why my church did not have a singles group. And it was at that time, a prodding in my heart led me to start an adult single’s Sunday School class.

None of these I would have chosen to do on my own, without GOD nudging me to do it.

To be transparent, my walk with CHRIST has not always been perfect and never will be. Like everyone else, I am a flawed human and will always be a work in progress.

Unfortunately, there were times I was led to do certain things, but I chose not to do follow through. But GOD is amazingly merciful and so forgiving. Like everyone, I’m drawn to selfish desires and fall into sinful behaviors, but at the end of the day and only through GOD’s mercy, do I always come back to JESUS. No matter where I have been, or what I have gone through my entire life, JESUS has always been a major part of me.

As a father now, my biggest responsibility is making sure my children are in a position to encounter JESUS, not just by bringing them to church or teaching them Bible stories, but for them to see JESUS in me. Sounds simple and easy, but unfortunately this is not the case.

These convictions and guidance in my heart are my reminders that I am His, especially when the enemy tries to sow seeds of doubts in my heart.

So, what about you? If you claim to be a Christian, is it just because you go to church? Is it because you pray? Is it because you read the Bible? Is it because you do good deeds, or care about those suffering? Or is it because you walk, and pray with Him daily; is it because you are led by Him and sacrifice your wants and desires to be obedient to Him?

Again, it is worth repeating: Doing good things cannot save you, ONLY FAITH IN JESUS CAN SAVE YOU. But if you said a prayer one time and believe you are a Christian, but do not, or have never had a desire or feel led to follow the commands of the LORD…

I am simply asking you to check your heart.

No one can judge if someone is a born-again believer in CHRIST, because as humans, we cannot see inside someone else’s heart. But if you are unsure of your salvation, just ask GOD to reveal the answer to you.

Matthew 7:7-8

Remember anyone can claim to be a Christian, anyone can say they know JESUS. But do you truly know JESUS or only know about JESUS? Your answer to this question, will determine where you will spend eternity.

If you have never had a relationship with JESUS, it is never too late to know Him and ask Him to be in your heart.

Go to a quiet place alone, where there are no distractions, and pray this prayer. This is not about the words of the prayer as much as your heart believing and crying out to JESUS.

JESUS, I know that I am a sinner and have made so many mistakes, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe that You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and ask You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

If you prayed that prayer or you still have questions about JESUS, GOD, LIFE, etc. I encourage you to read the Bible, find a Bible-believing church, and connect with someone who is a Christian. You can also email me at and I’d be happy to discuss with you privately any questions you may have.



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