10 Experiences I am Excited to do with our Kids when they are Older.
By Shaun Shuler
My 3 little blessings!!!
All 3 of them being 2 and under right now is fun…minus the poopy diapers and the temper tantrums. However, before I know it, they will be teenagers!
As a stay at home Papa, it will be my immense joy to watch them grow, experience their milestones, and guide their steps. I cannot wait to see them find their gifts, enjoy their hobbies, learn their likes, dislikes, and their overall place in life. Will they be fascinated with outer space, sports, history, music? Will they have a heart for outreach and mission work? Will they want to become a scientist, doctor, or teacher? The world offers them a plethora of opportunities, but my biggest desire is to help them find their purpose; the purpose GOD created them to fulfill.
Here are 10 experiences I am excited to do with our kids when they are older:
Going to school events
I look forward to attending their school plays, being a chaperone for field trips, or when they have father and child days.
We are considering homeschooling, and even if that is the case, I will still look forward to group activities with my kids and other homeschoolers.
Ultimately, seeing them graduate high school (and college if they choose) will be an awesome day to be a part of. I will be the proud Papa in the first row, clapping loudly, taking pictures, with tears in my eyes.
Taking them to their 1st movie
We do not always agree what are considered “good“ movies, but my wife and I love going to the movie theater. It is usually a fun escape for a couple of hours filled with popcorn, hamburgers, and hopefully explosions, aliens, or both!
The kiddos 1st movie at the theater will most likely be a cartoon, and that’s fine. I may not always enjoy my wife’s selection of “chick flicks”, but I do enjoy spending time with her and it will be the same with the kids for sure.
Even now while watching tv, I enjoy sitting with them while we watch Paw Patrol, Bubble Guppies, or sing along with Blue’s Clues. Seeing them with their eyes wide open and enjoying the moment is so rewarding.
Taking them to their 1st football game
New Orleans Saints hosting the Carolina Panthers in 2009. This was the wife’s 1st NFL game in person. Saints went on to win the Super Bowl that season!
For my international friends I’m referring to American football.
I have a lot of great memories from my childhood when my grandmother took me to football games. It was exciting when our team won, disappointing when they lost, but it was such a great bonding time especially on road trips.
Now they may not like football, and that’s ok, I will not force it on them, but my fingers are crossed that they will love the sport just like my wife learned to love football. Our little girl got a taste of football in February 2020 watching the XFL and yelling touchdown every time someone scored.
Even if it’s not football, I can’t wait to find out what sports they will be interested in and to see their excitement when they get to experience their 1st game in person.
watching them play sports or dance
Again, it’s about what they are interested in. I do not want them staying home all the time playing video games or watching tv. I want them to find a sport or activity they enjoy playing.
Football, Baseball, Soccer, are the most common, but if they want to do dance or gymnastics (I know nothing about it), I will support them if that is what they are passionate about.
Going on Vacations
As you can see from the picture above, traveling is one hobby my wife and I love to do. We collect a magnet every place we visit. Before kids, we would travel on a whim just to visit zoos. Except for one that we have been to twice, we have gone to 28 zoos in 10 years. We have also been to 44 of the 50 states together and we hope to make even more trips like these with them.
We have taken the kids out of town for a day or two to visit friends in Texas. Our little girl got her first passport at age 1 and went with the wife to the Philippines for two weeks in 2019 to visit my in-laws. I cannot wait to take them all to the Philippines when they are a little older just to see how they view a different culture.
I know there will be some level of stress and crankiness from traveling, and not just with international trips, but any trips we go to in the U.S. However, I still can’t wait to observe them, see the world through their eyes. It’s about making memories with them and for them. Something that they can look back on with a smile, when they are older.
seeing them accept Christ as Savior
As a Christian, I know the most important decision one can make is accepting JESUS as their LORD and SAVIOR. And I know the temptation from parents is to see them accept CHRIST as soon as possible, but if and when the kids accept JESUS as SAVIOR, it needs to be natural and organic for them. They need to come to the realization of who JESUS is and why they need Him on their own.
I have no problem guiding them, letting them see my faith in action, reading the Bible with them, and being there to answer all questions I can. But one of the biggest disservices that can happen is a child “getting saved” just to please their parents.
I cannot give my children salvation, but I can gently guide them to the ONE who can.
I am not a crier, but the day they ask JESUS into their hearts the waterworks will be unleashed.
seeing them grow as Christians
Accepting JESUS as SAVIOR is a life-changing event for anyone, but the Christian life doesn’t stop with salvation, in fact, it is only just beginning.
Seeing them grow in their faith is something I look forward to. I’m hopeful that they can learn from my mistakes and avoid the pitfalls of trying to do life in their own strength, in their own way instead of relying on GOD.
JESUS said,
“…Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows…”
John 16:33 NLT
When they do experience heartaches and loss, hopefully they will feel safe and comfortable…
coming to me with their problems
They do this now, but instead of “she pulled my hair”, or “where is my horsey?”, I’m looking forward to them coming to me about life issues/decisions or GOD questions. Sure, I want them to have friends and mentors, but I pray I can be the best Papa I can be in order to keep that door open for them to want to come to me with any issue they face.
I know I will not always have the answers, but I will pray with them, love on them and give them a shoulder to cry on if that’s what they need.
Life is hard, and so many things will be thrown at them as they become adults, I simply want them to always know they will find safety and comfort coming to Papa (and of course, Mama as well).
way way into the future: them getting married
If it is GOD’s will for them to marry, then that will be a great day to be a part of.
Now, this is not something I want them to do right away, but eventually I want them to date, fall in love, and eventually get married. The world gives plenty of examples of why not to get married, but there is something beautiful and wonderful when GOD brings two hearts together in love.
It is my prayer that their relationship with GOD is so strong that they can see His will for their lives and see who the person is that GOD wants them to marry. I pray that they will not be deceived by all of the non-Biblical interpretations of marriage that even many Christians have fallen for. From the beginning, the Bible has not been silent on what marriage should look like…
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”
Genesis 2:24 NKJV
I pray for my daughter to be a Proverbs 31 wife and my sons to be strong spiritual men and leaders of their families who will love their wives as CHRIST loves the church.
way way waaayy into the future: them having Children
Hopefully, I will be in my mid to late 60s or early 70s and still be in my right mind to experience this, but to hold my grandchildren sounds like the last great gift I could ever ask for.
To see them grow up, love the LORD with all their heart, get married, have their own kids (or even foster or adopt), and see them raise their children to love GOD as well would be more valuable to me than anything I could purchase, earn, or be given.
If they choose not have kids or even choose not to marry, as long as they choose the path GOD has for each one of them, I will die a supremely blessed man!!!
Until then, I will just gladly deal with the poopy diapers and the temper tantrums.
Thank you for visiting and please leave any comments, questions, prayer requests, or ideas for new topics you’d like for me to discuss in the comment box below.
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