BREAKING NEWS: COVID-19 has not Canceled Everything


By Shaun Shuler


COVID-19 has affected our world in ways we have never seen in our lifetimes. A part from the sickness and deaths plaguing our planet, jobs are being lost, stocks and retirement savings are falling, fears and doubts are on the rise, uncertainty has become the new norm.

As most of us sit at home in isolation, the usual distractions we go to when needing to escape from our troubles are not available. Movie theaters are canceled. Sporting events are canceled. Concerts are canceled. Theme parks, dining inside restaurants, even church services, canceled, canceled, and canceled.

With over 1.2 million confirmed cases and over 69,000 dead, the situation is serious. We still need to follow the protocols and common sense to protect ourselves, our families, and those most vulnerable. The deaths and everyone suffering from this virus directly or indirectly is tragic and an ongoing concern, but there is one MASSIVE point we must realize.

Despite the chaos affecting all of our lives, there is one irrefutable truth:

God isn’t canceled

In the Bible, we read of troubles after troubles affecting individuals. These weren’t just dramatic stories that we read for our entertainment or as a history lesson. GOD gave us these examples for two main reasons. To let us know that troubles will always exist in our world and GOD will always be with us through all of them.

In the book of Genesis, we find the story of Joseph. He was betrayed by his brothers and sold off into slavery, and guess what?

GOD was with him!

Genesis 39:2

Joseph was then falsely accused of a crime and thrown into prison, and guess what?

GOD was with him!

Genesis 39:21

In the book of Exodus, we find the story of Moses. GOD called Moses at the burning bush to go to Egypt to deliver the people of Israel. Moses protested and had excuses why he couldn’t do it, but he still went and guess what?

GOD was with him!

Exodus 3:12

In the book of Judges, we find the story of Gideon during a time when the nation of Israel was being oppressed by an enemy. GOD chose Gideon as the one He would use to deliver Israel from this oppressor. Gideon was scared, but he eventually obeyed and guess what?

GOD was with him!

Judges 6:16

In the books of 1st and 2nd Samuel, we find the story of King David. He had many troubles, from attempts on his life, to having undisciplined sons, in which one raped his half-sister and was killed, another lead a rebellion against David forcing him to leave the palace after which that son was killed. Even with all his troubles, guess what?

GOD was with him!

Psalms 23:4

In the book of Daniel, we find the story of Daniel. He was a captive in a foreign land, refused to obey the order to not pray to GOD. He was thrown in the lion’s den, and guess what?

GOD was with him!

Daniel 6:22

In the Gospels, we find the accounts of the Son of GOD Jesus and His disciples. Jesus mentions in the book of John that as a follower of His we will be hated. He also said in the same book that we will have troubles in this world. In the book of Matthew, He gives us a promise, and guess what it is?

Jesus will be with us ALWAYS!

Matthew 28:20

Regardless of what struggles, fears, or hardships you are facing today or what you may encounter tomorrow, put your trust and faith in GOD. He is always by your side. Do you know why He is always by your side?

Because He loves you!

Romans 8:38-39

Most gracious Heavenly FATHER, please be with all of those who are struggling with fears and anxieties that are sweeping the globe. Be with those who’ve been directly affected by this virus, and I ask YOU to perform great and mighty healings in every nation. For those who have lost love ones, please give them comfort and the peace that passes all understanding as they grieve.

Most of all LORD, I pray during this time of isolation and the cancellation of the many distractions we have grown accustomed to, that ALL people realize how much YOU love them. That they can put their trust, and life in YOU because YOU are good, faithful, and will never let us down. May this pandemic lead people closer to YOU. And may we show the world that the Church is not a building with 4 walls, but YOUR people spreading the love of CHRIST to all we encounter. In JESUS’ name I pray, Amen.

Click the following links if you are looking for more encouragement:

Dealing with Fear

Needing Hope

Depending on GOD for protection in an Unpredictable World

GOD Bless and thank you for visiting. Please leave any comments, questions, prayer requests, or ideas for new topics you’d like for me to discuss in the comment box below.


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