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Who is GOD in Your Life?
Israel Videos
How can you know someone? Is it simply knowing facts about them or is it something much deeper?
Your world seems to be crashing down around you, you feel there is no hope and no way out. There are two key takeaways I want you to get from King David’s struggles…
I do not believe there is anyone who would purposefully choose to spend eternity in utter darkness and torment. However…
GOD even used a donkey to convey a message…
Life can come at us hard and fast. We struggle, we face adversity, we experience brokenness, but one thing we can count on is the promises of GOD.
In our world of fast-paced living, waiting can be a miserable time. We want things now, not an hour from now, and certainly not tomorrow or next week….The process of waiting is just as important as the thing we are waiting for.
“Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.”
“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for GOD can be trusted to keep His promise.”
Hebrews 10:23 NLT
Sometimes we can even be in a crowd whether it be of strangers or among our family and friends and still be consumed with being lonely. It is like a poison rotting away at the soul.
How often has hatred or prejudice for others crept into the Church over the centuries? In our own lives, have we refused to witness or do an act of kindness to someone because we judged them to not be worthy?
Chaos and difficulties have affected our world in ways that a lot of us have never witnessed before…Uncertainty seems to have become the new norm. Despite the troubles affecting many of our lives, there is one irrefutable truth…
Yes, David had times of fear, anguish, and loneliness, but time after time GOD came through for him. If there was anyone in the Bible most qualified to speak on the provision, protection, salvation and the redemptive power of GOD, it is Israel’s greatest king, King David.
“GOD’s way is perfect. All the LORD’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection.”
2 Samuel 22:31 NLT
How many times have you read about GOD intervening in someone’s life in the Bible and wished to see Him intervene in your life the same way? If He did show up in your life, what would it look like? Would you even recognize it?
“Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.”
—Charles Spurgeon
If we agree there is forgiveness in CHRIST, then why do we still choose to waste away in guilt and condemnation from our past mistakes and failures?
We’ve almost been conditioned to believe that GOD is an angry God who is always displeased with us because of the mistakes we continually make…GOD loves you so very much, that He will meet you where you are…
Our anger at times can even be directed towards ourselves or at GOD, but it is still centered around us not accomplishing or getting what we want or think we deserve.
Through all of our sufferings, GOD has a plan, but when we are in the middle of that “plan” a lot of times we only focus on the pain
…COVID-19 has infected over 400,000 and killed over 18,000 people world-wide…So who are we choosing to put our trust in to protect us? Ourselves? Our Government? Chance? Luck?
2020 started off like any other year, fireworks, celebrations, resolutions, hope for the new year. However, it did not take long for the year to come off the rails for the world.
The world offers them a plethora of opportunities, but my biggest desire is to help them find their purpose; the purpose GOD created them to fulfill.
When we come before God and thank him for the small and the big things that He has given us, we aren’t thinking of our accomplishments but acknowledging His goodness.
After months of discussions, prayers, arguments, tears, and a timely Facebook message, on Mother’s Day 2018, we decided to go through the courses and get certified to foster and adopt.
I like geography…so here are 8 more places that are named or translate to love.
Both animal lovers, my wife and I would travel all over to visit zoos. This is definitely one of our similarities, and something we would like to share with the babies once they are old enough to enjoy it.
We all know of the romantic places around the world like Paris, France or Venice, Italy, but what about places named Love or translate to Love?
…the following year was my first trip to the Philippines and I simply fell in love with the place and the people
Strange merchandising choices I found in a grocery store in the Philippines
Welcome back for the 3rd installment of 10 Surprisingly Unique Phobias People Have. Due to the amazing popularity of part 2, I went and dug a little further just to see what else I could find.
The list of things people become terrified of is a mile long. Many of us laugh at a lot of these, but to the ones suffering from these massive fears, it’s no laughing matter.
Deciding to launch a website seemed too daunting of a task, when the thought 1st crossed my mind. After doing research, asking for advice on platforms to use, praying about it and talking it over with the wife, here we are 30 days into this adventure.
...I decided that day, to start collecting paper money from around the world. This collection not only feeds my desire to travel more when I can, it also complements another passion of mine - History.
Do certain sounds draw out an outwardly emotional response from you? If so you are not alone. Phonophobia is the fear of loud sounds, but what I’m talking about is called Misophonia or Selective Sound Sensitivity Disorder.
Eschatology Series
With any discussion of the End Times and the Great Tribulation, the subject of the Rapture will most definitely come up. In this article, I will be discussing the three distinct beliefs about the Rapture. At the conclusion, I will share my theory based on the world‘s fascination with UFO’s and aliens and how this could be intertwined with the Rapture.
Is the end of the world just a popular topic for Sci-fi movies and books, or is there something more to it? What is the fascination about the end of times that draws so many in regardless of age, creed, or race?
Mama G and Papa Shaun
I am Shaun and along with me is my wife Genette. This site is a collection of blogs I have written about my spiritual and everyday life experiences. I am hopeful that the lessons I have learned or the current struggles I may be going through will help you or someone you know.
This site is also about our travels around the US and the world as well as observations about current events. Though some topics may be a little serious, we will also have some fun along the way.
Please join us on this journey, we’d love to get to know you!